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Seeing a receding hairline in the mirror each morning is an emotionally trying experience. We completely understand. This condition along with adjacent symptoms like alopecia could be caused by one of many factors; ageing, genetics, medication-related, and illness being the most common ones. 

Fortunately, men, you aren’t without a solution! With the correct diagnosis, you can address your alopecia symptoms effectively with the right hair loss treatment plan. 

Phoenix Men’s Clinic is a trusted and experienced clinic in Arizona excelling in men’s health and wellness. Our doctors have been using PRP – Platelet-rich plasma – therapy as a regenerative medicine to trigger the body’s natural ability to heal itself. These PRP injections for men have had an immense success rate in hair restoration, joint pain reduction and face rejuvenation. 

Overview of PRP Treatments

What exactly is a PRP treatment? Platelets and other such components naturally exist in the human blood as part of the body’s healing mechanism. Platelet-rich plasmas are known to unleash a host of growth benefits that tackle tissue injuries and promote cellular regeneration. 

This is a non-surgical proactive therapy that is much safer than harsh medications that could so easily have adverse side effects. Seeing as PRP injections use natural components found in the human blood, the risk of side effects is very low. 

PRP is known to have a range of proteins that accelerate tissue repair and pump the brakes on hair loss. While this treatment isn’t a cure for hair loss, it is capable of significantly slowing down the effects of alopecia and can even work to promote hair density. 

How Does PRP Promote Hair Growth?

Pun intended, PRP treatments target the root of the problem to effectively address it and offset future hair loss. It systematically combats hair reduction by;

  • Encouraging hair follicle regeneration
  • Promoting microcirculation to the follicle
  • Stimulating stem cells in the environment of the follicle
  • Increasing hair thickness
  • Maintaining the hair growth phase
  • Decreasing hair loss

This treatment is very versatile and can be used to treat a range of conditions. The procedure is known to reap long-term results and, in some cases, eliminates the need for surgery. 

What to Expect During the Treatment

During the treatment session, a centrifuge draws a minimal amount of blood from a vein in the arm. So as to isolate the Platelet-rich plasmas, the blood is then processed and the processed PRP is reinjected strategically into those areas on the scalp that display thinning and balding patterns. 

Each session runs to about 30 minutes, as for the number of sessions needed, well that will depend on your specific condition. Your provider may choose to stagger each session 1 month apart so as to give results enough time to manifest before proceeding with subsequent sessions. 

To offset potential discomfort, the provider may administer anesthesia. Most patients report little to no discomfort, however, there might be some sensitivity. 

Are there any downtimes with a PRP treatment? Typically, there are no downtimes and you can resume work soon after the treatment. Your scalp is likely to feel a little sore for about 48 hours following the treatment, and we strongly urge you to stay away from harsh dyes and chemicals during this time. To alleviate some of this discomfort a warm shower following the treatment will help. 

PRP Treatments vs Medication vs Hair Transplants

There are quite some popular medications on the market that make lofty promises, everything from stopping hair loss completely to restoring a full head of healthy hair. While some of these are FDA-approved, it is worth mentioning that a lot of patients have experienced severe dryness and itching among other undesirable side effects. In fact, some medications are harsh enough to even cause erectile dysfunction in men. 

Another popular treatment modality is hair transplants. These are effective depending on how the patient responds, however since they call for incisions, there will be a recovery period. Based on the approach used, hair transplants could leave a scar. They are often more expensive than PRP treatments. 

Am I the Right Candidate For PRP Treatments?

Most people are deemed good candidates for the treatment as side effects are minimal and the treatment itself is versatile in treating a range of different conditions; hair loss, facial tiredness, joint pain, and the likes. 

However, in certain cases, your doctor may advise against opting for a PRP treatment; for example, if you have a medical condition that could worsen with injections, a bleeding disorder, if you’re undergoing anticoagulation therapy or if you have anemia. 

Control Your Hair Loss Symptoms – Safely!

Phoenix Men’s Health Clinic provides comprehensive care for male patients struggling with hair reduction symptoms. The earlier you get diagnosed and begin treatment – the better! 

Our lead regenerative medicine expert, Dr. Boris Schwartz, N.M.D. has accumulated a wealth of experience in the field and, together with the team, provides world-class treatments that are performed under the highest standards of medical safety. 

Are you a good candidate for PRP treatments? Contact us to set up an appointment today!