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Peyronie’s disease, or penile curvature, is a common problem that is a result of scar tissue, or plaque, building up on the interior of the penis that lends it a bent/curved formation. A majority of men with this condition can still have sex, however, some might find it painful and even experience erectile dysfunction.

Although the statistics are unclear as not everyone gets diagnosed, researchers estimate that more than 1 in 10 men exhibit symptoms of Peyronie’s. 

If you find yourself with symptoms of Peyronie’s or have even the smallest doubt, we strongly urge you to get diagnosed and treated without delay. The scar tissue in the penis can easily be identified through a physical examination, as few other conditions reap the same types of symptoms. 

Phoenix Men’s Clinic is a leader in men’s sexual health and wellness and regenerative medicine. 

As a foremost Peyronie’s disease treatment clinic in Phoenix, AZ under the guidance of Dr. Boris Schwartz, N.M.D., we offer proven therapies, backed by years upon years of success in treating patients using state-of-the-art medical technology.

In this article, we will explore the causes and symptoms of penile curvature, and why Acoustic Wave Therapy is a treatment modality you should strongly consider. 

Symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease

The symptoms of penile curvature have been known to manifest either gradually or overnight. In minor cases, if the penis is flaccid, you may not be able to detect the issue. In severe cases, the hardened fibrous tissue may impede flexibility, cause pain and force the penis to arc when soft or erect. 

What Causes Penile Curvature?

A common question we get asked is, “How do you get Peyronie’s disease?” Doctors haven’t exactly pinpointed why this condition manifests but many believe that the fibrous plaque can start building up in the penis after it sustains trauma. That is to say, if the penis were to encounter impact, it may internally bleed, leading to the formation of scar tissue. 

Moreover, men with Dupuytren’s contractures – scarring in the hand that hinders the fingers – seem to be at a higher chance of developing Peyronie’s disease. 

In other cases, hereditary causes have been cited, leading to the penis developing a curvature over time. Some harsh drugs were also cited as having Peyronie’s as a potential side effect, though this remains largely unproven. 

Diagnosing Peyronie’s Disease

If you have Peyronie’s, you are just one simple physical exam away from getting diagnosed. During the exam, the doctor will feel for the hardened tissue that this condition causes. The penis has to be erect during this time. Your doctor may use medication for the same. 

Can Peyronie’s Disease Heal Itself?

If your symptoms aren’t severe, the doctor may suggest keeping an eye on the condition and not resorting to medication just yet. In minor cases, Peyronie’s could go away on its own, however, this is rare. 

Either way, don’t assume anything. It’s always safest to approach a trusted clinic and get yourself professionally diagnosed. 

What happens if Peyronie’s disease is left untreated? Although this varies from one patient to the next, it was observed that untreated cases of Peyronie’s lead to fibrotic, non-expansive thickening of the corpora tunica which could result in other structural anomalies. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy – Why It’s a Great Option For You

If you’ve been diagnosed with Peyronie’s, ask your doctor about Acoustic Wave Therapy, commonly referred to as shockwave therapy. This is a process that harnesses energy from acoustic waves to stimulate a process known as neovascularization or the formation of new blood vessels. The blood flow to that region drastically improves. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment that is also known to boost sexual performance. Being, drug-free, non-invasive and surgery-free, this can be performed in-clinic and reaps long-lasting results. 

When it comes to penile curvature, Acoustic Wave treatments break down the scar tissue and straighten out the penis, all the while alleviating any pain. 

When administering Acoustic Wave Therapy, the clinician will apply a probe to the penis that is coated in a medically-approved gel. During the treatment, different areas of the penis will be targeted. Each session could run from anywhere between 15 to 20 minutes. 

Patients tolerate the treatment quite well and very few report any sensations of pain. Anesthesia is usually not required, and in most cases, at the very most, patients may feel a slight tingling. 

Proven Benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy

Apart from Peyronie’s, Acoustic Wave Therapy has reaped tremendous success in treating patients with kidney stones, heart disorders, Erectile Dysfunction (ED), joint inflammations and fractures. 

Some common benefits of Acoustic Wave Therapy;

– Enhances the quality of the erection

– Enhances sexual performance

– Increases penile sensations

– Results in more spontaneous erections

– Improves the quality of the orgasm

Don’t Put Up With Peyronie’s

Ask Your Doctor About Acoustic Wave Therapy Today

At Phoenix Men’s Clinic, Dr. Boris Schwartz, N.M.D. practices in Regenerative Medicine and offers proven therapies that have been tested by years of regenerative medical studies and partnerships with leading medical technology.

We provide safe, effective and affordable treatments under the highest standards of medical excellence. 

Contact us today to set up a free consultation.