Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical procedure that yields many benefits for those ailing from specific illnesses or conditions. This can be especially useful for people dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED) because PRP has shown to be effective in overcoming it.
Phoenix Men’s Clinic is a men’s health clinic based out of Scottsdale, Arizona offering PRP therapy treatments for men suffering from ED. We strive to help you feel your absolute best by tackling problems related to aging and poor health. Our team utilizes innovative medical technology and practices at our clinic.
Platelet rich plasma therapy for ED can be a helpful procedure for many men in an advanced stage in their life. If you want to learn more about it, call us now at 602-786-7775. In the meantime, let’s go over some FAQs on the procedure and how it really works.
What is PRP Used For?
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a type of regenerative medicine for your own natural growth factors to heal certain parts of your body. Concentrated platelets harvested from your own blood contain many rich nutrients and factors that help in cell promotion and specialization, leading to advanced healing of the body.
How Does PRP Really Work?
PRP is first collected from a centrifuge of your own blood, which is then separated from many of its components like red blood cells. It is then collected through a needle called a P-shot that injects platelets into the erectile tissues of the penis. From there, the platelets utilize a variety of growth factors to regrow new tissue and blood vessels in the affected area, improving your erections.
PRP has been demonstrated to be effective in improving the function of the penis and enhancing tissue healing. It’s no wonder it has also been effective in repairing damage in a rotator cuff tear or tendonitis.
What are the Benefits of PRP?
Aside from the better achievement of erections and penis function, the benefits of PRP include an increase in penis length and girth. You’ll also receive better sensitivity and overall blood sensation in that area.
Moreover, the success rate in this procedure is really promising. An estimated 84% of patients experienced good results from PRP for the penis after 24 weeks, according to one group study. It is also a safe procedure that is always administered by an experienced and trained medical professional.
PRP is FDA approved and we only use your own platelets to naturally heal parts of your body. Thus, it is well worth the investment to improve your life with ED.
What are the Side Effects of a PRP Injection?
The side effects of a PRP injection can be minimal and are often dealt with accordingly if they ever occur. We recognize that every patient is different and reactions can vary from person to person. Overall, patients can expect no side effects from the treatment.
Some common side effects of PRP we notice include pain or swelling in the treated area, skin discoloration, and allergic reactions. The pain and swelling will typically subside after a day or two, as well as the discoloration. With regards to allergies, it’s important you consult with us and your doctor if there are any underlying issues you may have. This can help us move forward with the procedure.
How Much Does PRP Cost?
PRP costs can vary depending on the location, facility, and the experience of the doctor. Insurance companies will not usually cover payments for PRP, as it does not fall under their policies. For each injection treatment, PRP can cost between $500-$2000.
We want to provide a fair pricing plan for each of our patients. We recommend you schedule a free consultation with us before you move forward with the treatment. That way, we can be transparent on what we offer and if our prices work for you.
Turn to a Trusted Men’s Health Clinic in Scottsdale
To learn more about PRP and our many other services we provide, call our office at 602-786-7775 or email us at [email protected]. You can also use our contact form to send us any questions or concerns you may have about PRP.
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