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Erectile dysfunction is sadly something that affects a majority of men above 50 which can impact their daily life and confidence. While it is such a prevalent condition many men across the world also struggle with treatment and how effective the options available are.

Our team at our Gainswave treatment center in Phoenix understands that every man is different not only in the severity of ED symptoms but also in the solution. We serve Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, and surrounding areas. This is why our erectile dysfunction treatment practice focuses on the individual to give a personalized GAINSWave treatment to give men the results they deserve.

What is GAINSWave?

GAINSWave is a newer treatment option that is an all natural option for men facing ED which has multiple success stories and research backing it up. GAINSWave works for over 70% of patients, with many men receiving results after just one treatment session. Since it is all natural this treatment is an effective option to treat both the causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men of all ages.

GAINSWave uses a handheld applicator to administer low level frequency pulses to stimulate the tissue and promote healing in any damaged cells. The effects of which can last up to 2 years depending on the patient with only the occasional maintenance treatment to keep the lasting effects at their full benefit. Depending on the man and their experience with ED treatments can range between just 1 or 2 to notice a benefit and up to 10 to get the maximum effects.

How does GAINSWave treat ED?

With age, the blood vessels in a penis can begin to close up and decay causing them to clog up proper blood flow. This stopping on the blood flow halts erections and gives many men struggles with maintaining an erection along with other related issues directly leading to erectile dysfunction in many men. 

GAINSWave uses high-frequency waves to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, eliminate any micro-plaque build up, and open blood vessels in the penis. By opening the blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels these waves used in GAINSWave treatment promote increased blood flow. GAINSWave triggers a healing response to wake up dormant stem cells and growth factors in the penis. With growth factors being stimulated this helps to create new blood vessels, as well as rejuvenate erectile tissue. This all combined results in increased blood to the penis giving men harder, stronger, and more sustainable erections.

Why is GAINSWave an ideal ED treatment?

Unlike many other treatment options out there now GAINSWave works to address the root cause of your ED instead of just temporarily reducing the effects. Also because it’s an all natural, and noninvasive treatment it can be available to many more men who have specific health risks, worries, or conditions. With GAINSWave you might notice the following results;

  • Improved blood flow to the area
  • Reduction of micro-plaque
  • Release of therapeutic growth factors
  • Boosted formation of new blood vessels
  • Improved sexual performance
  • Increased sensation
  • Better orgasms

Ready to combat ED and win the fight?

Turn to a Trusted Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Practice in Phoenix AZ

GAINSWave is an innovative, non-invasive, and completely all-natural treatment, can be a great fit for many men. 

Our team wants to help you build your confidence and sexual satisfaction once again. We understand that every man is different not only in the severity of ED symptoms but also their experience. 

Our medical center focuses on the individual to give a personalized GAINSWave treatment. Reach out today to get the results you deserve!

Phoenix Men’s Center is here to give you a personalized treatment and session helping you regain your sexual confidence and combat against erectile dysfunction symptoms from interfering in your life.

Contact Us to set up a free consultation!