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Is It Safe To Get PRP Therapy For Joint Pain?

Is It Safe To Get PRP Therapy For Joint Pain?

If you are troubled with osteoarthritis, the gradual wearing of the joint bones protective cartilage, or rheumatoid arthritis, in which our immune system targets healthy tissues in our joints. You may probably rely on medication to avoid the pain associated with it and can then get through the day. But if you do not like the idea of being on drugs for the long-term due to the potential side-effects they can cause, we may have an edge-cutting solution for you to counter your joint pain problems.

You may have heard about how athletes overcome serious injuries by accelerating healing with the use of edge-cutting injections of platelet-rich plasma therapy. A question may arise in your head, that is it right for you? If Pain Management Therapy Arizona can benefit athletes like professional basketball players, repair ligaments, and even bone, could it help normalize and heal your joint tissues?

Pain Management Doctors in Phoenix, and rheumatologists, consider PRP for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other sorts of joint pain. PRP Injection Therapy Phoenix works with your own body’s repairing mechanism to heal your joints so that they stop hurting you anymore.

The process to obtain PRP from blood:

Once the Pain Management Doctors in Phoenix determine that you can get benefited from joint pain through PRP, the process begins with a simple blood draw through your body. The physician uses an injection to take a few tablespoons of blood from arm arteries. Then the blood is processed in a specialized, sterile centrifuge that aparts the plasma from the solids, and then further separates the small cell fragments known as platelets.

Platelets are plate-shaped cell fragments that are rich in growth factors. When the blood is injected back, your body naturally rushes blood to the site of injury, and you may observe swelling after you have been cut or bruised. The platelets present in your blood coagulate to prevent the blood loss and start the healing process by triggering your body to rebuild tissue. Pain Management Doctors in Phoenix make super-concentrate healing platelets by mixing them back into a small amount of your plasma. The product obtained (PRP) has up to ten times the volume of platelets as non-concentrated blood. PRP is a biologically compatible therapy which is not rejected by your body because it is made from your own blood and also generates no side effects.

Inflammation: Get PRP shorts

The mixture is directly injected at the site of your pain when it is ready. When this rich plasma is injected it triggers the growth factor, and your body starts making fibroblasts and endothelial cells, which results in the reduction of inflammation. Furthermore, PRP helps your body to produce healthy new blood vessels, increasing circulation to the area to accelerate repair and flush away waste materials.

Helps in the regeneration of damaged tissue

Our body operates in a way that fixes damaged tissues itself, but when you get a wicked or swollen injury in your joints, your body can not combat it. PRP Injection Therapy Phoenix boosts up the healing process so that your body can recover from the damage by itself and boost the repair. According to numerous Pain Management Doctors in Phoenix, PRP can help you regenerate cartilage that has been degraded by arthritis. 

Say bye-bye to joint pain:

As we know, PRP is a regenerative therapy that promotes your body to repair itself. You can retrieve mobility and get rid of the pain in the joint over a week or months after the treatment. You can see instant effects and feel the difference in how you feel in just a few weeks. The body will keep on improving day by day and continues to form healthy new tissues over the next six months. Both men and women with hiked joint pain issues need a series of Pain Management Therapy in Arizona to get benefits and achieve the results they seek. We strongly recommend having yearly follow-ups for regulating your joints and maintaining them to be healthy.

Get Rid Of Peyronie’s Disease

Get Rid Of Peyronie’s Disease

According to a recent report more than 4% of the male are affected with Peyronie’s disease which causes a bent in the male organ. Healthy fibrous tissues in the penis get curved, also, the penis has abnormal dents which occur especially during erection. It is very painful and men feel difficult to have intercourse with their partner. Males can get affected by this disease at any time and it can easily affect males especially who are above forty.

Formation of excess connective tissues in the body is the main reason for Peyronies. Hands, feet and other organs of men are also affected with connective tissues. It can also affect major organs of the body which includes liver, kidney, etc; regular function of these organs will be affected completely which could, in turn, result in various other diseases. Even though there is no particular reason for this disease, it has been found that men of the A+ blood group are commonly affected by this disease.

Men with this disease feel difficult to lead a regular sex life, so it is wise to seek medical advice before it progresses to an advanced stage. Common difficulties men encounter with this disease are

  • Lump on the penis
  • Pain in the penis
  • Lack of erection
  • Difficult to penetrate the vagina

Even though there are different types of treatment available for this disease, 50% of people get cured of this disease automatically. But the remaining 50 % of people need some Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Phoenix to recover, if your disease does not get cured within a particular period (i.e.) 2 or 3 weeks then it is good to seek the help of a Peyronie’s Disease Specialist. There are various oral medications which help you to get cured of Peyronie’s disease, Vitamin E tablets are one of the effective medicines which help to get cured of this naturally. Injections can also be administered on the affected area to destroy the unwanted connective tissues which cause the lump. Surgery has to be chosen if none of the above treatment works, it is a complicated procedure and there are chances that your soft penile tissue may get damaged during the procedure.

During recent years, Peyronie’s disease new treatments are available which helps to get complete cure from the disease without causing any side effects. Vacuum tubes which were used to treat erectile dysfunction are currently being used to treat the bent penis. It can simply heal your penis and you will never feel difficult after it.

It’s now easy to treat Peyronie’s Disease, you can now find Peyronie’s Disease Treatment in Phoenix.

Improving Your Health With Acupuncture at Phoenix Men’s Health

The therapy of acupuncture is very ancient, and it started to gain popularity in the US at the start of 1960. It becomes famous with time in rest of the countries such as Malaysia, India, Russia, and some other countries. However, there are many myths about this therapy that this therapy can have many disadvantages, and it can be painful, and you should avoid it. But we are glad that they were just myths as people did not know much about the therapy and it was a practice that very few people could afford at that time.

The awareness of such practice is also spread to this date as some people think it might be harmful to them. But the real scientifically proven fact is the opposite of what people say about it.

Acupuncture pain relief in phoenix is a therapy by which many diseases and disorders can be treated, and it also helps in relaxing the nerves and the body. The spikes are not painful at all, and the professionals do everything with your consent. Then what is wrong with going with this therapy which eventually improves your health and makes you confident.

If someone is suffering from certain health conditions such as depression, stroke, diarrhea, and problems related to the digestive system, skin, and even the bones, then the Best Acupuncture pain relief in Phoenix can help you in many ways. And if you are stressed out with your regular work, rest is just a fairytale for you. Then acupuncture can become the hero of the fairy tale by making you relaxed and relieved from aches.

How is it done?

Traditional Chinese acupuncture is performed by inserting very fine needles to different points of the body called the “acupoints.” It releases endorphins and helps in recovering the body from pain. It directly affects the part of the brain that is involved with the production of serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood. In Chinese acupuncture, the specialist twirls the needles slightly to apply the heat and electric stimulation to enhance the effects. They may also burn the therapeutic herb near the skin, which is called moxibustion. This methodology provides pain relief by inactivating the source of pain. They modulate the endorphin level to inactivate the sources of pain and give pain relief to the patients.

According to the belief, it stimulates the energy-carrying channels of the body and helps to restore health.

Phoenix Men’s Health is one of the best medical centers for Acupuncture in Phoenix and it also specializes in various services for pain reduction like Chinese Herbs, PRP For joints, Acoustic wave therapy, Homeopathic injections, Lyftogt Perineural Injection treatment.

If you are seeking Best Acupuncture therapy in Phoenix then Phoenix Men’s Health is the best choice for you.

Infertility in Men

Men’s Infertility: Diagnosis & Treatments

A study done by the CDC showed that about one-third of infertility cases are due to male reproductive issues. It was determined that in about 8% of couples facing infertility issues that the man was the only identifiable problem. Infertility in men can be caused by several different factors such as disruption of testicular, ejaculatory function, hormonal disorders, or genetic disorders.

Infertility Treatments

It can be hard to diagnose male infertility, and it can be challenging to accept for men. It causes frustration among the people, yet reproduction is one of the most integral parts of one’s life. Being the father of a child is a cherishable feeling of one’s life. Unfortunately, some men think that they can’t do anything about their infertility. But for the men who understand the significance of infertility treatments, medical science, and advanced treatments can do miracles.

How To Diagnose Infertility in Men?

Many causes can lead to infertility, so it’s essential to get a consultation from the doctor. It takes evaluation and a series of tests to identify the right cause of infertility. Diagnosing male infertility problems usually involves:

General physical examination and medical history

During the session, the specialist will ask you questions related to the acquired conditions, ongoing medical issues, sicknesses, wounds, or medical procedures that could influence infertility. Your physician may likewise get some information about your sexual life.

Semen analysis

Semen analysis is done by performing the smen tests at the sample provided by the patient. The sample is collected after ejaculating into a special container at the doctor’s clinic. The semen sample is then analyzed by the experts to notice the abnormalities that are causing the problems. 

Many other tests also help in sperm analysis like Hormones Tests, Ultrasound, Genetics Testing, Testicular biopsy, and functional tests. These tests also help your physician in tracing out the exact cause of infertility. 

Infertility Treatments Available 

When it comes to infertility treatment for men, there are many options available. From oral medications to surgeries, there are multiple ways of dealing with infertility. But, if the problem is due to hormonal imbalance, Phoenix Men’s Health is always available to provide the required assistance. Here are some of the most effective treatments that can help you get relief from infertility.

  • PRP Treatment.  PRP therapy is an innovative treatment that can help the patients to activate sperm production and enjoy fatherhood. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an infusion that is created from the blood of the patient, and it is injected into the erectile tissue of the penis. PRP is prepared by using the blood plasma. Platelets help in growing new tissue arrangement. This procedure gives relief from problems like Erectile Dysfunctioning and also helps in improving infertility.
  • Hormone Therapy: Low testosterone levels can also lead to infertility in men, and hormone shots (LH and FSH) are usually successful in treating such conditions. Hormone therapy boosts sperm production and brings back your fertility.
  • Treatments for sexual intercourse problems: Treating sexual intercourse problems is crucial for fertility. Gainswave therapy can help in treating sexual problems like ED, Premature Ejaculation, and Peyronie’s disease

If you are also dealing with fertility problems, Phoenix Men’s Health is happy to bring happiness to your life by recommending the right treatment. Schedule a session with us by filling the contact form or calling at +1 602-786-7775.

The Safest ED Treatment – GAINSWave; Process, Benefits, Treatment Outcomes | Erectile Dysfcutnion Treatment Practice

The Safest ED Treatment – GAINSWave; Process, Benefits, Treatment Outcomes | Erectile Dysfcutnion Treatment Practice

Erectile dysfunction is sadly something that affects a majority of men above 50 which can impact their daily life and confidence. While it is such a prevalent condition many men across the world also struggle with treatment and how effective the options available are.

Our team at our Gainswave treatment center in Phoenix understands that every man is different not only in the severity of ED symptoms but also in the solution. We serve Phoenix, Mesa, Glendale, Scottsdale, Tempe, and surrounding areas. This is why our erectile dysfunction treatment practice focuses on the individual to give a personalized GAINSWave treatment to give men the results they deserve.

What is GAINSWave?

GAINSWave is a newer treatment option that is an all natural option for men facing ED which has multiple success stories and research backing it up. GAINSWave works for over 70% of patients, with many men receiving results after just one treatment session. Since it is all natural this treatment is an effective option to treat both the causes and symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men of all ages.

GAINSWave uses a handheld applicator to administer low level frequency pulses to stimulate the tissue and promote healing in any damaged cells. The effects of which can last up to 2 years depending on the patient with only the occasional maintenance treatment to keep the lasting effects at their full benefit. Depending on the man and their experience with ED treatments can range between just 1 or 2 to notice a benefit and up to 10 to get the maximum effects.

How does GAINSWave treat ED?

With age, the blood vessels in a penis can begin to close up and decay causing them to clog up proper blood flow. This stopping on the blood flow halts erections and gives many men struggles with maintaining an erection along with other related issues directly leading to erectile dysfunction in many men. 

GAINSWave uses high-frequency waves to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, eliminate any micro-plaque build up, and open blood vessels in the penis. By opening the blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels these waves used in GAINSWave treatment promote increased blood flow. GAINSWave triggers a healing response to wake up dormant stem cells and growth factors in the penis. With growth factors being stimulated this helps to create new blood vessels, as well as rejuvenate erectile tissue. This all combined results in increased blood to the penis giving men harder, stronger, and more sustainable erections.

Why is GAINSWave an ideal ED treatment?

Unlike many other treatment options out there now GAINSWave works to address the root cause of your ED instead of just temporarily reducing the effects. Also because it’s an all natural, and noninvasive treatment it can be available to many more men who have specific health risks, worries, or conditions. With GAINSWave you might notice the following results;

  • Improved blood flow to the area
  • Reduction of micro-plaque
  • Release of therapeutic growth factors
  • Boosted formation of new blood vessels
  • Improved sexual performance
  • Increased sensation
  • Better orgasms

Ready to combat ED and win the fight?

Turn to a Trusted Erectile Dysfunction Treatment Practice in Phoenix AZ

GAINSWave is an innovative, non-invasive, and completely all-natural treatment, can be a great fit for many men. 

Our team wants to help you build your confidence and sexual satisfaction once again. We understand that every man is different not only in the severity of ED symptoms but also their experience. 

Our medical center focuses on the individual to give a personalized GAINSWave treatment. Reach out today to get the results you deserve!

Phoenix Men’s Center is here to give you a personalized treatment and session helping you regain your sexual confidence and combat against erectile dysfunction symptoms from interfering in your life.

Contact Us to set up a free consultation!