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How Can Acupuncture Help With My ED? A Comprehensive FAQ | Acupuncture Practice For Erectile Dysfunction, Scottsdale

How Can Acupuncture Help With My ED? A Comprehensive FAQ | Acupuncture Practice For Erectile Dysfunction, Scottsdale

Erectile Dysfunction or ED is a common headache in the lives of many men and affects approximately 50% of men aged 40 and over. With so many pills and different medications, it can be hard for people that have medical limitations because of prescriptions or other reasons but acupuncture can be just the solution you are looking for. 

Phoenix Men’s Center is a Phoenix Arizona medical center that offers ED solutions for any and all kinds of men. We provide acupuncture for erectile dysfunction at our practice in Scottsdale, letting you regain your sexual performance and confidence in the bedroom once again.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

With 50% of men aged 40 and over and more than 24 million men across the united states alone erectile dysfunction has a lot of eyes on it looking for solutions and approaches every day. But with so many people affected there are multiple different causes and situations as well, from diabetes, high cholesterol, stress, andropause, emotions, low-testosterone, and the all too well-known case of nerves, as just a few examples. 

What exactly is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese practice that has been around and in use for many thousands of years where certain direct points on the body are stimulated, usually with very thin painless needles. Acupuncture is based on restoring your body’s internal balance and maintaining your health. Each acupuncture point is specifically calculated on a body to “open up the body” helping to release hormones and aid blood flow throughout the body.

Does acupuncture really work for ED?

Acupuncture has grown in popularity and become much more widely used in clinical trials of Erectile Dysfunction in recent years. More and more clinical trials are coming out with results confirming that acupuncture can improve male erectile function. Acupuncture especially in conjunction with other treatments has been shown to be more effective, helping to even further boost the chance of combating ED symptoms and effects on your body.

Acupuncture is a very reliable and viable treatment for men that have personal restrictions or other thins that can interfere with the effectiveness of a typical treatment whether it be prescriptions, health issues, or more.

How does acupunture work for me?

Acupuncture works to stimulate your nerves which helps to release hormones throughout and also increases circulation of blood which provides you with many health benefits. Hormonal issues and lacking adequate blood circulation are common causes for ED within many men, especially as one ages.

It’s not uncommon for many ED treatments to not actually treat insufficient blood flow which is the root cause of any erectile issues for most men facing ED symptoms. Acupuncture has been found to work significantly well for more psychological causes of ED as well, things such as stress, nerves, and emotions are viable reasons why men face ED but are typically more overlooked.

Turn to acupuncture to fight against erectile dysfunction.

Come to a Trusted Phoenix AZ Medical Center

It’s important to find a qualified specialist within the world of acupuncture, one wrong move and someone can end up doing more harm than good sometimes. This precise treatment can help a variety of men with different lives, conditions, or causes for their ED-specific areas on your body helping to open up functions more and release blood flow.

Phoenix Men’s Center understands this and is here to give you a personalized treatment and session helping you regain your sexual confidence and combat against erectile dysfunction symptoms from interfering in your life.

Contact Us to set up a free consultation!

Treat Your Peyronie’s Disease at a Leading Erectile Dysfunction Doctor in Phoenix, AZ

Treat Your Peyronie’s Disease at a Leading Erectile Dysfunction Doctor in Phoenix, AZ

Not many men are familiar with the effects of Peyronie’s Disease, but it can affect a good number of them and some may not even know about it. It happens as a result of scar tissue called plaque that builds up in your penis and can cause discomfort and unnatural bends. It can be a struggle to deal with, but there are treatments that can reduce the pain. 

Phoenix Men’s Clinic provides Peyronie’s disease treatment in Phoenix, Arizona and many other treatments involving erectile dysfunction. We’re a men’s health and wellness clinic who wants to help men feel like themselves again. 

Our office is led by Dr. Boris Schwartz who is an experienced erectile dysfunction doctor based in Phoenix, Arizona. To book a free consultation now, call (602)-786-7775. We’ll quickly go over what Peyronie’s Disease is, how the treatment process works, and the beneficial outcomes you can expect afterward. 

What is Peyronie’s Disease? 

Peyronie’s Disease is a rare form of erectile dysfunction that results in the penis looking bent and curved, as opposed to a straight, erect form. This can cause some pain and discomfort for those engaging in sexual activity. Moreover, the problem does not go away on its own and can cause further stress and anxiety the longer it persists. 

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease? 

No one is really sure about the cause of Peyronie’s Disease and many researchers have different findings. The most common theory is that fibrous plaque builds up in the penis over a gradual period of time due to repeated trauma like hitting or bending. This can cause bleeding and scar buildup in the penis and the symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease. 

Some of these symptoms can vary for men and not everyone experiences them the same. Scar tissue and plaque can cause significant bends in the penis, which is a big indicator on whether or not you have Peyronie’s Disease. Another common symptom is the inability and discomfort in maintaining an erection. 

Peyronie’s Disease can also result in the shortening of the penis and general deformity. This can erode confidence for some and may cause more discomfort in others. While there are many causes and symptoms for the cognitions, it’s important that there are treatments to mitigate them. 

How is Peyronie’s Disease Treated?

While there are no treatments to cure Peyronie’s Disease per se, Phoenix Men’s clinic offers two methods to potentially treat its symptoms. It may go away on its own, but we want to offer a hand to you by speeding up the process. 

Taking medication for Peyronie’s Disease can help, but may contain risks and side effects that may arise if you use them. We offer the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Acoustic Wave Therapy. 

PRP uses platelet cells from your own blood that are concentrated into a P-shot injection. It is administered to your penis area to clear away the excess flat plaque in the area and allow more blood to flow through. While it does involve the use of injections, it has shown to be highly effective for those who have tried it. 

For those wanting a more non-invasive approach, Acoustic Wave Therapy has also shown to be effective in treating symptoms of Peyronie’s Disease. The method involves using acoustic waves to break up the plaque in your penis and allow the tissue to flow freely. 

Whichever method you prefer, you can be assured that you will be in good hands and there are ways of treating the disease. 

Treat Your Symptoms at a Trusted Erectile Dysfunction Practice in Phoenix, AZ

If you’re interested in learning more about our treatments for Peyronie’s Disease and our other services for men, feel free to call us at (602)-786-7775 or email us at [email protected]

You can also use our contact form to send us any of your thoughts, questions, or concerns.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction – FAQs | Men’s Health Clinic Scottsdale

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction – FAQs | Men’s Health Clinic Scottsdale

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a medical procedure that yields many benefits for those ailing from specific illnesses or conditions. This can be especially useful for people dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED) because PRP has shown to be effective in overcoming it. 

Phoenix Men’s Clinic is a men’s health clinic based out of Scottsdale, Arizona offering PRP therapy treatments for men suffering from ED. We strive to help you feel your absolute best by tackling problems related to aging and poor health. Our team utilizes innovative medical technology and practices at our clinic. 

Platelet rich plasma therapy for ED can be a helpful procedure for many men in an advanced stage in their life. If you want to learn more about it, call us now at 602-786-7775. In the meantime, let’s go over some FAQs on the procedure and how it really works. 

What is PRP Used For? 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is a type of regenerative medicine for your own natural growth factors to heal certain parts of your body. Concentrated platelets harvested from your own blood contain many rich nutrients and factors that help in cell promotion and specialization, leading to advanced healing of the body. 

How Does PRP Really Work? 

PRP is first collected from a centrifuge of your own blood, which is then separated from many of its components like red blood cells. It is then collected through a needle called a P-shot that injects platelets into the erectile tissues of the penis. From there, the platelets utilize a variety of growth factors to regrow new tissue and blood vessels in the affected area, improving your erections.  

PRP has been demonstrated to be effective in improving the function of the penis and enhancing tissue healing. It’s no wonder it has also been effective in repairing damage in a rotator cuff tear or tendonitis. 

What are the Benefits of PRP?

Aside from the better achievement of erections and penis function, the benefits of PRP include an increase in penis length and girth. You’ll also receive better sensitivity and overall blood sensation in that area.

Moreover, the success rate in this procedure is really promising. An estimated 84% of patients experienced good results from PRP for the penis after 24 weeks, according to one group study. It is also a safe procedure that is always administered by an experienced and trained medical professional. 

PRP is FDA approved and we only use your own platelets to naturally heal parts of your body. Thus, it is well worth the investment to improve your life with ED. 

What are the Side Effects of a PRP Injection?

The side effects of a PRP injection can be minimal and are often dealt with accordingly if they ever occur. We recognize that every patient is different and reactions can vary from person to person. Overall, patients can expect no side effects from the treatment. 

Some common side effects of PRP we notice include pain or swelling in the treated area, skin discoloration, and allergic reactions. The pain and swelling will typically subside after a day or two, as well as the discoloration. With regards to allergies, it’s important you consult with us and your doctor if there are any underlying issues you may have. This can help us move forward with the procedure. 

How Much Does PRP Cost? 

PRP costs can vary depending on the location, facility, and the experience of the doctor. Insurance companies will not usually cover payments for PRP, as it does not fall under their policies. For each injection treatment, PRP can cost between $500-$2000. 

We want to provide a fair pricing plan for each of our patients. We recommend you schedule a free consultation with us before you move forward with the treatment. That way, we can be transparent on what we offer and if our prices work for you. 

Turn to a Trusted Men’s Health Clinic in Scottsdale

To learn more about PRP and our many other services we provide, call our office at 602-786-7775 or email us at [email protected]. You can also use our contact form to send us any questions or concerns you may have about PRP. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy FAQs! Answers On This Popular ED Treatment | Gainswave Clinic Scottsdale

Acoustic Wave Therapy FAQs! Answers On This Popular ED Treatment | Gainswave Clinic Scottsdale

Acoustic Wave Therapy (also known as Shockwave Therapy) is one of many popular methods for treating erectile dysfunction. This condition affects many older men and can affect their morale greatly as it continues. Luckily for you, our team at Phoenix Men’s Clinic can provide you with Acoustic Wave Therapy, among other viable treatments, to help you overcome it. 

Besides our ED services, we also practice as a erectile dysfunction treatment clinic in Phoenix, Arizona. We recognize that not all patients’ problems are the same and will work closely with you to diagnose the issue, recommend potential treatments, and target the root problem. 

Acoustic Wave Therapy has been covered extensively on our website, but we know you may have more burning questions on what the process entails. So, we’ll provide an extensive FAQ section below to help you find the answers you need. 

What is Acoustic Wave Therapy Treatment?

A quick rundown of this therapy involves the use of energy from acoustic waves to trigger a process called neovascularization. When this occurs in the penile region, new blood vessels are able to form, letting more blood flow to the body part to make it firm enough for penetration. 

What are Acoustic Waves?

Acoustic waves carry energy through vibrations that travel through the skin. When these waves are applied to an organ, they induce mechanical stress that leads to a healing response and improved blood supply.

How Does Acoustic Wave Therapy Work for Erectile Dysfunction?

It’s a simple process in retrospect. One of our clinicians applies a special probe tool to the penis. It is coated in a special gel and applied to the corresponding area. This process can last up to fifteen to twenty minutes, with different areas targeted. No anesthesia or scalpels are needed in this procedure. 

How Effective is Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED?

The treatment has yielded many successful, long-lasting results for over 70% of patients involved in the process. Many have found that they are able to maintain their erections and engage in healthy sexual activity afterwards. 

While some studies have suggested these results can decline 2-3 years after treatment (depending on one’s health), we’ll work to ensure you are fully satisfied and that the treatment can work in your best interest. 

Do You Need Continuous Acoustic Wave Sessions?

There is no need for lifelong treatment with Acoustic Wave Therapy. Very often, one course of treatment can lead to longer erectile function. Periodic treatments every now and then can be beneficial if you so choose.

Is Acoustic Wave Therapy for ED Safe?

Absolutely! There are no side-effects during or after the treatment. We utilize FDA cleared technology that was originally developed in Europe and is now used worldwide. When the procedure is performed by one of our qualified practitioners, there are virtually no risks or side effects for most patients.

Are There Any Side Effects or Complications Afterwards?

Once again, there are no risks or side effects reported by a majority of patients. In certain cases, some patients have reported minor discomfort that can last typically for a few days. There is also no downtime as patients can carry on with their normal activities soon afterwards.

Is Acoustic Wave Therapy Covered by Insurance?

This can vary greatly by state and the medical clinic involved. We offer free consultations at Phoenix Men’s Clinic, so we can help you in this matter if you schedule an appointment with us. 

How Much Does Acoustic Wave Therapy Cost?

Pricing for Acoustic Wave Therapy can depend on the clinic you’re attending. Rough estimates for each individual session can range around $450. You may also want to see the prices for package sessions, which can range between $2400 for six sessions of acoustic wave or $4400 for twelve sessions. Moreover, maintenance sessions can cost $450 each. Kindly note that these prices are subject to change at any time. 

The treatment is affordable, and the results are more spontaneous, immediate, and long term compared to other methods. Book an appointment with us to see how we can structure the pricing plan. 

Interested in this Treatment? Here’s How to Learn More

Have more questions you didn’t see answered here? Call us at 602-786-7775 or email us at [email protected] to book a free consultation to find out more about our services. You can also send us a message on our reliable contact form.

Stem Cell Treatment to Combat Living With Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in Phoenix | Phoenix Men’s Clinic

Stem Cell Treatment to Combat Living With Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in Phoenix | Phoenix Men’s Clinic

Does stem cell therapy work for erectile dysfunction? That’s the question many older men have asked medical professionals. Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects many males who can’t achieve proper erections during sexual intercourse.

While some may say stem cell treatment for ED doesn’t actually work, we at Phoenix Men’s Clinic are confident that it is a viable option for those looking to improve their sexual well being. The process is pretty simple and the results are worthwhile and long-lasting.

Phoenix Men’s Clinic is a stem cell clinic based in Phoenix, Arizona. We specialize in improving men’s sexual health and relieving any pain they may have. Let’s go over what stem cell treatments for ED are like and the process behind them.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are introduced into the body and their regenerative effects help restore and repair blood vessels and tissues within the penis. Blockage in this body part prevents blood from flowing properly, causing problems associated with erectile dysfunction. Stem cells help renew these blood vessels in order for men to achieve harder, longer erections and improved sensation.

How Does Stem Cell Treatment Work? 

Stem cells are taken from existing cells in your own body and used to treat other existing conditions and ailments. All our bodies are composed of different cells and tissue that help us function each day. Cells like blood cells, connective tissue, and neurons are just some of many specialized stem cells that provide specific purposes.

Another example of tissue are Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are also known as adult stem cells. They are considered multipotent because they can produce more than one type of specialized cell within the body. Overall, they make up the different specialized cells found in the skeletal tissues.

All stem cells carry three unique properties, which are either unspecialized, able to become specialized, or continuously dividing into new cells. These properties, when applied to certain body areas, allow for the newly introduced stem cells to take on the function of older cells.

When applied to the groin, stem cells provide men with improved blood flow to the penile region, longer and stronger erections, and better sensation.

Why You Should Consider Stem Cell Treatment for ED

Other treatments for ED like prescription drugs can only do so much, considering the side effects as a result of taking them. Stem cell treatments for ED is just one of many options for you to consider in improving your erection and overcoming your ED conditions.

Why you should try out the treatment should be obvious: do it for yourself. We found that many men who have undergone this treatment have left satisfied and healthier lives. As you approach your lean years, you’ll want to spend the best times with your significant other as much as possible.

Stem cell treatments are safe and beneficial to your overall well-being. In the case of treating ED, the procedure is executed by our experienced staff and we routinely take precautions when dealing with them.

Turn to a Trusted Clinic Today

Our staff at Phoenix Men’s Clinic is led by regenerative medical professional Dr. Boris Schwartz. Dr. Scwartz has a wealth of experience in this field and uses regenerative technologies backed by clinical evidence.

After setting up a free consultation, we’ll work with you to determine if stem cell treatment is the right treatment for your erectile dysfunction.

To contact us and learn more about the services we offer, feel free to call us at (602)-786-7775 or email us at [email protected]. You can also send us a message on our contact page